All tagged album review

The Reeves Brothers: The Last Honky-Tonk

Some music just isn’t meant to sit still. Or to be listened to sitting still for that matter. It blows and goes, eats and runs, and leaves the bottles in your cabinet a little lighter. A ratty note bidding ‘thanks and hasta luego’ on your kitchen counter-top with exhaust smoke lingering in your driveway and 18 wheels down the road.

A feeling of nostalgia and transience is what washed over me when I popped my headphones in and pressed play on The Reeves Brothers latest full-length endeavor, “The Last Honky-Tonk,” a fitting title and tone for the times we find ourselves passing through.

Doc Fell & Co: Revelations

Revelations are upon us, and it is not only the title of Doc Fell & Co.’s newest release, but also the feeling you may get while listening to it. A revelation is what makes you consider some factor of human existence in a new or different way, and that is the running theme of the 11 songs on their 4th studio album.