Jordan Cox: To Osage County We Go

Jordan Cox: To Osage County We Go

“Jordan played accordion and dropped out of college” isn’t quite the whole story to front man Jordan Cox of Osage County. While Jordan has fame from a turnpike line, he is forging ahead making a name for himself with his talent. Also, he ended up finishing college.

Jordan is a man I know well, he is a friend, an uncle to my kids, and all around a fixture at the Fell house. To know Jordan, you know two things, he breathes music and he loves Osage County, which is where he resides in Fairfax.

The first time I met him, he said “Jordan Cox from Fairfax, OK. Nice to meet you” I laughed and he’s kept me laughing since.

But joking aside he is so passionate about being from Osage County and that love pours out into his music. Which made me choose to write about him. I love artists who love our home state. All hail Oklahoma.

At 34, Cox has decided it’s finally time for him to stand in the spotlight with his band and his songs. Music isn’t something new to him though as he is one of the founding members of RC and the Ambers. But for the sake of this article we will focus on Osage County, his band, which is ramping up their tour schedule and their original music.

My main question to Cox was why name your band after your county? The sweetest answer came from the man. His grandfather and great grandfather worked for Osage County, and one of his fondest memories is as a child, seeing his grandfather in a Cintas work shirt with the embroidered patch that said “Osage County.”

Cox, who writes from inspirations, including but not limited to, the Oklahoman spirit, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, love, family, and his dog, Sophie. Yes ladies, he is single. These inspirations have helped him create a spirit that flows on stage. To see Cox play, you see him feel his music and how he lives and breathes playing it.

Even though I spent the majority of my life around musicians, I am never not amazed when someone truly is taken over by the love to play and the love of their own original music. They have been given a gift, and the fact they share it with us, makes us the lucky ones.

So hopefully you are now intrigued by Osage County and want to know where you can find them and judge for yourself. They released a self-titled EP last year, which can be found on downloading platforms, and of course, you can find them on all social media to check out their tour schedule.

I will leave you with some more of Cox’s thoughts and why music and how music helps him day to day. “Music is a daily medicine for me. It helps keep me sane (which all musicians need), it helps me discover and it keeps me inspired.”

Let Osage County’s music inspire you, and next time you find yourself in Osage County, think of the love a man has for his hometown and home state.

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