All tagged Nick Dittmeier

Nick Dittmeier and the Sawdusters: Companion (Extended Edition)

An album combining Dittmeier’s fantastic song writing capabilities, along with grooving guitar riffs, Companion (Extended Edition) showcases an “A Side” of studio tracks recorded in 2019, while “B Side,” Alive in a Barber Shop in Southern Indiana, boasts The Sawdusters’ talents from a live viewpoint, creating a unique listening experience that encompasses the entire emotion of the sound.

“I really value having a full band to go out and do tour dates, because that's what I would like to see from other songwriters, and I love playing with other musicians. One positive about the shutdown is, we actually got to practice and micromanage things about our sound. We released some video from a live session we did in July and it captures what we were working on. On bass, I have Bob Rutherford and Josh Bradley on drums,” says Dittemeier.

Straight from the first track, “It’s Gonna Break Your Heart,” Dittmeier’s songsmith prowess comes through with a stunning flow and smoothness – with a truthfulness in his voice.

I still think about you baby / Every hour everyday / I’m still trying to kick these cigarettes / Before the baby comes in May

It’s the simple way of connecting simple words and creating an idea that Dittmeier sings with ease.