All tagged Lance Rogers Album Review

Lance Rogers: Self-Titled

When Lance Rogers sipped from that teeming fountain of creative mystic, he drank the whole damn thing dry. Bone dry. Desolate dust left swirling at the bottom of the well kind of dry. Thankfully, with the release of his debut, self-titled album, Rogers has given us all a taste of his gift, and it’s nothing short of breathtaking – another example of the Kentucky influence burning from the Appalachian foothills.

“To release my debut album feels like the first day of kindergarten in a way,” says Rogers of the accomplishment. “Nerves and joy, a little crying. The thing about starting kindergarten is that there’s years and years ahead of you, ones that will form you and test you. I feel like that, but I’m excited to keep walking down this path. It’s my hope that this album will open a few doors and minds, and will be the opening scene of a series of authentic and true-to-life albums into the future.”