All tagged Jen Tackett Single

Jen Tackett: If I Told You

It’s easy when someone is on the rise to attach your support to them. It’s like a credibility stock market. If you can get in while the “stock is low” and stay on board as it rises, you can be a tastemaker and a trendsetter. Alternately, you can be a beacon of support for the scene around you. You can choose to be the smiling face clapping in the audience for your friends. You could choose to be like Jen Tackett.

Jen is a champion for everyone around her trying to make it work. Supporting the people around her, shining the light she can on the people who need it, creating avenues for exposure, not as a self-aggrandizement, but as a means to be a part of rising tide that pulls up all ships. It’s admirable she’s admirable. She’s also extremely talented as a writer and performer.