All tagged Corduroy Brown Doin' My Best

Review - Corduroy Brown: Doin' My Best

We, here at The Amp, have covered Corduroy Brown since his debut release Let Me Know in 2021. There’s an energy to the work with a bold mix of elements of Americana and pop music,  encompassing lyrical content that swirls around themes of mental health, relationships, near death experiences and material that can cause music to be uncomfortably dark. With that introduction you may expect some dark gothic downtempo struggle music, but you won’t find much of that in the catalog. With the pain, distress, struggle that weave through the lyrics of the work, there’s electricity of hope that breathes life into the material. There’s always a reminder that you don’t win wars without scars, you don’t get better without work, and you don’t build character without obstacles.