Review- Abe Partridge: Love in the Dark
When the Martians decide to make their presence known on U.S. soil, I want Abe Partridge to be our official Interplanetary Ambassador, without damn question.
Photo by Cathy Partridge
You see, compared to the typical backwoods bumpkin that simply gets beamed-up and probed, Partridge would be the strongest example of the creative prowess contained within Humankind: A fine specimen demonstrating the purest of arts - writing, singing, playing and painting - the whole enchilada, rolled-up tight in a delicious tortilla of talent. Thankfully, we all get to enjoy Partridge’s latest collection of tunes with Love in the Dark, reminding us all that some folks are just plain gifted - period.
If you’re not hip to the Partridge jive, understand that the man is an enigma of creative energy. The dude is simply built differently, as if hard-wired to bring passing thoughts to fruition through a swipe of a brush, or, lucky for us, a pluck of the string. Literally, I think he may be one of the most majestic minds operating in music today, not even to mention his other numerous artistic undertakings.
The album leads-off with the title track, the haunting acoustic chords vibrating against Partridge’s lamenting and simplistic tone, approaching a Gospel-esque spoken hymn:
I once saw your light
On a revival hill
A sinner’s delight
As I begged my heart to still
Host of the ever-growing “Alabama Astronaut” podcast, the Dixie Troubadour stays dedicated to his creative vices, pushing the standards of how art is perceived and portrayed across the landscape - no realm is off limits - all a testament of Partridge’s ability to encapsulate moments and memories in rigid, poetic harmony. As he recalls in “Pop Country is for Posers,”
And I discovered the sounds of ‘67
A message of love and psychedelics,
And I got lost in those strawberry fields -
I was on that magical mystery tour, for a couple of years
There is an overall aura of the past evident throughout the record - and it’s easy to get the sense that Partridge is quite fond of his upbringing and the experiences that have lent to the mindfulness that we get to witness. Frankly, we may all be in the presence of genius.
Just don’t tell the Aliens - We need Abe Partridge way more than the Milky Way.
Find out more about Abe at the links below: