Music in the Upside Down: John Goolsby's Gratitude Manifesto
Good Morning World!
It’s already a balmy 92 degrees and sunny here in Nashville, TN, and I’ve been trying since 8 o’clock this morning to put into words how this whole pandemic has affected (and effected) me and my fellow artists and creators. My name is John Goolsby, and I’ve been a full-time music industry professional (if you can call being a singer/songwriter a professional!) since 2011. I’ve been fortunate to travel, introduce myself to complete strangers around this country and the globe via my music and make a living writing and performing songs.
I’m sure many of my fellow artists and music industry people will agree that these are strange times. My experience in all this is unique, and yet so similar to so many people I know. I went from eagerly awaiting the spring and summer shows and festivals to wondering how in the world I was going to pay my bills in the span of about two weeks. When Jo at The Amp asked me to put into words how I am feeling and managing this time warp, I was eager to offer my voice. As the week has gone by, I have struggled mightily to figure out how to express myself adequately (which will come as a surprise to those who know me!). I spoke to my mother on Sunday - chatting about my upcoming birthday this week, and as I was trying to explain to her that I didn’t want my sisters and brother-in-laws to feel like they needed to get me ANYTHING, I realized it was because they had already blessed me with their generosity in the past few months. Her response to that was, “That’s what family does for each other!”
So this morning when I woke up, I was determined to offer myself this perspective: As a musical family that is compiled of artists, writers, reviewers, consumers and appreciators, I am feeling incredibly grateful and blessed for the support (both financial and in words and gifts of encouragement) that so many have shown me. I’ve done live-streams, private Zoom concerts and private in-person shows (socially distanced, of course) and been able to write a TON over the past few months because of the pandemic. I would typically be gone from home, wearing myself out between the miles driven and the energy spent onstage. I’ve found that recipe to be so draining for me, that my creative mind can’t hold focus. COVID-19 and the self-quarantining has brought me a blessing in new songs about real life that I can’t wait to share with people.
Photo by Shy Blakeman
I’ve struggled to do live-streams, mostly because I hate looking at my phone and love the physical interactions that live, in-person shows provide. I feel bad when I get done and realize I missed someone’s request, or didn’t acknowledge someone I haven’t seen for a while who popped in to watch and enjoy the content. That feeling would double when I would wake up the next morning and see how generous people were with their hard-earned money and words of affirmation. But I’m realizing the connection is still there, it’s just up to me to try my damndest to make that connection FEEL as in-person as possible.
I’m not sure how long this pandemic will last, or when life and the music industry will get back to “normal,” but I’m resolute in my conviction to remain thankful and blessed for the kindness of the strangers and friends in my music family. If you have found yourself frustrated as I have in the past few months, I’d encourage you to reflect on the blessings you have and then seek out people to share them with. My biggest blessing in this life is performing music. Therefore, I will continue to try to bless others with it. I thank all of you for your support, your generosity and ability to turn my bad days into great ones just by listening to, singing along or requesting songs. It means the world to me.
I’ll sign off for now, and hope to see you soon in person! And as my friend Paul Thorn has said, “It’s a great day, to whoop somebody’s ass.” . . . Wait, that doesn’t really apply here. But he also said that he’s “too blessed to be stressed,” and I can wholeheartedly agree with him there! Be good to one another, be gracious and I’ll see y’all down the road!
John Goolsby