The Lil Smokies: Tornillo | Questions and Answers With Jake Simpson
The Lil Smokies released their brand-new album, Tornillo, on January 24, 2020. The album is an eleven track, all original collaboration from each of the members of the band. Tornillo was recorded at Sonic Ranch in Tornillo, Texas and Produced, Engineered, and Mixed by Bill Reynolds with Assistant Engineer, Mauro Castro. The album was Mastered by Dave McNair. From Missoula, Montana, The Lil Smokies’ lineup features Matt Cornette (banjo), Andy Dunnigan (vocals, dobro), Scott Parker (bass), Matt “Rev” Rieger (guitar, vocals) and Jake Simpson (fiddle, vocals). Building a national following through constant touring, they have performed at Red Rocks, LOCKN’, High Sierra, Telluride, Bourbon & Beyond and more. Tornillo is the band’s third studio album. OKR spoke with Jake Simpson about the album and more. The interview was conducted on the day of the albums release.
OKR: Tornillo came out today, how would you say this album compares to your others? Does it feel different and in what ways?
Jake: Well, I joined this band almost four years ago and when I joined the band, they had one studio album, and it was, you know, it was almost a completely different group of guys. The guitar player that we have now wasn't on that record, and the band has been the way that it is now for the past three and a half years. So, uh, I feel like we just sort of started learning how to, really play music together, if that makes any sense? I mean, it's, it's almost like a relationship. Like you get to know someone and then you really get to know someone. And, uh, I feel like we just really came together on this album and made the most authentic record that we possibly could, as this group you know? I'm really proud of it.
OKR: So, if someone hadn't listened to you guys before, how would you describe your sound to them in three words?
Jake: Three words?
OKR: Yes.
Jake: Energy, songs, and intellect.
OKR: Is there a song on the album that's your favorite? Whether that's because you wrote it or it’s because you love playing it live.
Jake: My favorite song on the new album is “Carry Me.” In my opinion, it is the best example of where the band is, is wanting to go, you know, sonically, musically. Um, it's a really beautiful piece and it's a lot of fun to play. It's hard to play, you know, sometimes. Uh, you play these songs so many times that they become just sort of muscle memory, but that one, it takes all of my focus to play my part and sing my parts.
“Carry Me” was written by Andy Dunnigan. Andy is quoted as saying this about the tune. “Some songs take a long time to bloom; constant gardening. ‘Carry Me’ was derived from an obtuse guitar line I had written a few years back. I shelved it, but was always going back and tinkering around with it. It finally sprouted very quickly at the very end of pre-production for the album. I’ve never been good at writing an optimistic chorus and I’m still not even sure if this counts, but it was supposed to mitigate the eerie and wistful verses. It’s about reliance within partnership and experiencing the unknown, not alone, but together.”
OKR: So, after people listen to this album, what are you hoping that they take away from it?
Jake: I hope that they can hear the work that we put in to it. You know? And I think that, I think that people will, but, more than anything, I hope they enjoy listening to it. That's the thing about music is you can, you can talk about what you want and what you hope and all that, but really it just comes down to you. I hope people enjoy the music. Because we did work really hard on it.
OKR: So, talk to me a little bit about the making of the album at Sonic Ranch and working with Bill Reynolds.
Jake: What do you want to know? There's a lot to talk about.
OKR: Can you talk about some of the specifics? Why the band chose Bill to produce the album and what makes Sonic Ranch such a special place to make an album?
Jake: As an experience there, um, there's something about that place that makes you want to be as creative as you possibly can. It's ran by a guy that knows how to curate an environment for musicians. That really brings out the best in them, in my opinion. He sort of was talking to us the first night we got there. His name's Tony, and he was talking to us the first night we got to the Sonic Ranch and telling us about all of his tapestries and his original Dali lithograph that he has everywhere. And, um, he said something that stuck with me. He said, everything affects everything. And, that's really obvious. Whenever you go see what he's created, because every single thing has been thought about, you know, uh, from what, what they're serving you to eat, all of it. You live there whenever you're recording, it's a residential studio. So, they fix you three meals a day, and you stay in these really funky, beautiful rooms and there's a pool. Uh, and then you just have these really like state of the art musical toys to play with. You've got all these crazy consoles, old retro consoles and, uh, original pedals that are, you know, 30, 40 years old. And then you look around and you're in this like, I think it's 3000 acres pecan orchard and it's in the middle of the desert, basically. So, it's like an oasis and you just have this feeling of he just came there to, to make something special, you know? Um, and that was all created by the Sonic Ranch and that it's just a really wild place.
Jake: And then Bill, uh, you know, we just sort of had a phone call with Bill whenever we were looking for someone to produce the record. And we were like, yeah, this, this guy sounds like the right guy. You know, he wants to be experimental and we wanted to go into the studio really open minded and just try to capture the live energy. Cause our live show is sort of what this band is all about or has been and he was really good at not really, not really, adding ideas necessarily, but setting the vibe and setting the mood in the room, in the studio so that everyone was in the right place to just do their best. You know, it was a, it was a perfect person for a perfect place. You know, I think that everything, the stars kind of aligned, if you will. You know, for me, this record is the best sounding record that I've ever been a part of.
Photo By Glenn Ross
OKR: So, looking at your schedule, your tour schedule for this year, it looks super jam packed. Are there any venues or festivals in particular that you guys are really looking forward to playing?
Jake: Well, more than specific venues and festivals, I'm looking forward to going back to places that we've been and seeing if there are more people at the shows. That's what I'm excited about. I'm excited to hear if people have been listening to the songs and you can always tell because in some places people sing along and some places they might not. But, um, yeah, I'm looking forward to just going back to all the cities that we were in last year and seeing if anyone's paying attention.
OKR: I feel like you started off 2020 kind of with a bang. Like you've got the big tour schedule, you've just released an album. So what other goals do you guys have for this year?
Jake: Just survive. You know, touring will take it out of you. Our goal is to just continue making music, you have to take it day by day. It's a lot of fun. But, it can be a marathon. Just keep making and sharing music.
The Lil Smokies, Tornillo, is available on all digital platforms. You can grab the album and check the Album Release Tour dates here:
Cover Photo By Todd Roeth:
Live Photo By Glenn Ross: